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SMT equipment repair experience

Update:2018-09-25  View:4204

The repair of equipment is very important for equipment suppliers and equipment users.
The supplier generally focuses on the diagnosis of equipment failure, and then changes the smallest fitting unit it can provide. Users, on the other hand, focus on timely repair of the equipment to ensure non-stop, and then purchase the smallest parts unit. Often the smallest unit parts provided by suppliers are very expensive, such as circuit control boards, motor drives, etc., for thousands of dollars at a minimum and tens of thousands of dollars at a maximum, and the average user will not spend a lot of money to store these expensive parts. However, once a component breaks down, it usually takes a long time to buy from the supplier, less than two weeks, more than a month, causing the problem of far hydrolysis near thirst. So it's not enough for the user of the equipment to rely solely on the supplier, and it's costly. He should equip his equipment with maintenance personnel and encourage them to repair the damaged parts themselves. For example, the following table says that a servo motor controller has a problem, the whole high-speed machine can not move, the entire production line can not be produced, immediately to find the supplier to buy $5,000, and there is no spot, at least two weeks; and after maintenance personnel inspection found that only the controller power output module (GTR) is broken, GTR. It's available in the local market, so it takes about a day, less than $100, to solve the problem, and the time benefit is predictable.
The quality of equipment maintenance personnel is very important, should have the knowledge of mechanical and electrical integration, automatic control, computer and other aspects. SMT equipment is highly automated control equipment, the technology used are more advanced in the world, so another quality of maintenance personnel is to accept new knowledge and technology quickly.
Equipment maintenance personnel should have a minimum of tools: multimeter, oscilloscope, IC data or real-time Internet access to relevant information, generally do not expect random devices have control boards, drive boards and other circuit schematic diagram, can only rely on their own analysis, draw part of the circuit diagram, in order to analyze the control circuit, find out the problem.

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